Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting Ready

I hate exercising. I also hate my body and though I have great self esteem, my loathing of my body sometimes causes me to hate myself. I have been very succesful with weight loss 6 years ago I lost 65 lbs. on Weight Watchers. Then 4 years ago I met my now husband and I put back on 45 of those lbs. When I am trying to make myself not feel like a failure for gaining weight back I tell myself, "Well at least I did not gain back all of the 65 lbs.", but the truth is I was never happier than I was 45 lbs. lighter than I am now.

Even with my success on weight watchers it was all from diet not exercise. I hate exercising, I am not good at sports and I just don't like to make the time to do it. I have decided that I need to exercise and eat right at the same time. I am committing to 30 consecutive days of exercise. I am going to exercise for the entire month of February and two days of March. I figure if I can work out 7 days a week for 30 days, working out 3-5 times a week for the rest of the year (and hopefully my life) won't seem so bad. At Weight Watchers they teach us that it takes 21 days to form a habit, I will form a habit and add 9 more days to cement it in my brain.

I am hoping that I really do this, I am using this blog to hold myself accountable, all of you can help me!

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