Sunday, January 31, 2010

Starting Monday

Okay, so my friend Angie says "Starting Monday" would have also been a good name for this blog, because how many times in our lives have we said "Starting Monday". I am starting tomorrow, I am joining Gold's Gym and taking a 6:00 class called "Body Jam", which I really enjoy. I am nervous because I have been overindulging and eating like crap for a while now. Before tomorrow I need to:

1) Plan my menu for the day
2) Pack my gym bag
3) Change my mental view of myself as a person who is capable of being fit and capable

I made a choice not to go to weight watchers tomorrow because I want to go to this specific gym class and the WW meeting by mmy house is at 6:30. I will go another day this week (even though I am terrified of stepping on the scale).

My husband D says he is going to also participate in eating well and working out. That would help, but I am not going to link my success to his participation. I CAN DO THIS!

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