Friday, February 5, 2010

beating instead of congratulating

So, today we are experiencing "Snowpocalypse" in the DC area, and I decided not to fight traffic and then finding a parking spot when I got home. Instead of going to the gym I did a video. I am proud of myself for working out at home when all I wanted to do was be lazy and watch TV. I am not proud of myself because I am not sure I pushed myself hard enough. I did a video that I did a lot in 2004, it is called "Slim in 6" by it is a good series, I really liked it when I did it on a regular basis. It is 3 programs, "Start it Up", "Ramp it Up" and I can't remember the toughest work out name. At first I put in "Ramp it Up" because it is 46 minutes long, but it became obvious I was not familiar enough with all the steps and it was a little too intense. I then put in "Start it Up" which was only 24 minutes long. 24 minutes, the shortest workout I did this week has been 40 minutes until today. I am sweaty and tired, but annoyed. I could do more, but I don't want to! I am mad at myself for sitting here typing when I could still be working out. I don't think I sweat as much in 2004 as I did today when I did this workout, I must be more out of shape...ugh!

Why is it that I beat myself up instead of congratulating myself? Tomorrow when I am snowed in I am either going to do "Ramp it Up" or Cardio Salsa, both of them are longer. 24 minutes is good, especially on a snow day, right???


  1. Twenty four minutes is more than I did on this snow day. Good for you!!!

  2. You can do as little or as much as you want as long as you are doing it! Consider doing another 20 minutes or so later. It's fine to break up your workout even in 10 min. increments. -Ang

  3. Be proud that you are handling obstacles like the weather so well. The important part is that you are raising your heart rate on a daily basis. How long you do it for is less important than actually doing it. there was one day this week that all I had time for was 15 minutes of weight lifting. Sometimes, you just have to take what you can get!

    Keep it up!
