Sunday, February 7, 2010


I haven't posted in the last two days because we without power. Here were my obstacles to exercise:

1) 30 inches of snow on the ground
2) No power in my house to do a video
3) No power in by building gym to go on the treadmill
4) Roads were not safe enough to drive to the gym

What did I do? I shoveled for the past two days. Yesterday I shoveled my car and today we did a neighbor's driveway. Every day is a new obstacle, but as soon as we get power back (I am at my father-in-laws house and he won't let me do a work out video anywhere but the garage, he says the house was not built for exercise...don't even get me started how angry this makes me) I will be able to do my work out videos at home again until I feel like we can leave our parking lot without an SUV. I feel like the snow is a minor set back, but I will not let it get in the way of fitness february!

If this was any other month I would not have shoveled as much or as long. I am making changes, small ones, but changes.

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