Monday, February 8, 2010

I love electricity!!!

We finally got our power back and came home today. I couldn't believe my father-in-law said the only place I could exercise would have been in his freezing garage with his parked prius. This almost sent me over the edge! Thank goodness I am back in my own home and I have my own rules.

Within the first 30 minutes of being home I started my work out video. I did the 24 minute Slim in 6 "Start it Up" video again, because I figured I haven't worked out other than shoveling in the last two days. I really worked hard in those 24 minutes, my abs and legs are killing me.

We are expecting another 10-20 inches of snow tomorrow into Wednesday--if I can go to the gym tomorrow I definitely will, otherwise I will "Ramp it Up" and do the 46 minute version of the video. You can all hold me accountable, no more 24 minute work outs for me...okay???

I hope you are all staying warm!

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